
Qhraine / Q.H.Raine



Hello! I'm Qhraine and I'm a minor artist who draws primarily ocs and project work, but I do sprinkle in some fanart once in a while.I go by He/Him/His and Ho/Hom/Hos (Shortened to He/Hom)My primary form of contact is in fact Discord, but I check Instagram and Twitter at least once a day. Feel free to email me if you want me to take part in a semi-large and/or group project.



Frequently Asked Questions


» "What do you use to draw?"
I use the Procreate app, my iPad and apple pencil!

» "Are your commissions open?"
Most likely yes! But just to be safe, I suggest shooting me a quick DM asking! Sometimes I totally blank out and forget to update my commission status.

» "Can you draw me?"
Yeah! Check out my commissions. I only draw art for my friends or people I look up to, but even then, I want to be in charge of when I do that. I don't do requests.

» "Can I reference and/or trace your work?"
Please do not do this. It makes me very uncomfortable and honestly very annoyed. I work hard on my art so to see someone using it as a "base" for their own work, with or without credit toward me, it bothers me immensely. And if you trace the work I make for a creator, I will tell that creator and let them know I'm the actual mind behind the work.

» "Can I repost your art?"
Fanart? Sure! As long as you credit me properly and don't claim it as your own work, I don't mind! Art of my ocs though, is a no.

» "Can we be friends?"
If you ask this immediately, it'll be a no. I prefer to make friends naturally over time! And if I grab you metaphorically and go "yeah I like your vibe, you're my friend now" then I guess that works!

» "Why do people keep calling you a cannibal?"
It started out as a joke since I know a lot about horror and topics like cannibalism from crime shows and my mom who is a total nerd for horror genres, but it did escalate and now people call me a cannibal. Don't worry! I won't eat you, I have no idea where you've been.

